
Highlights - full resume available in English or Dutch at request


*1978 Breda.


2002-2006 ArtEZ Fine Art Arnhem, graduated BA

1996 - 2002 Wageningen University, graduated Ir./ MSc.

Selected projects and shows

2024 Art on Paper Amsterdam

2023 ACEC Apeldoorn

2022 Paltz Biënnale, Soest

2021 IJsselbiënnale, Dieren

2020 Tekenkabinet, Amsterdam

2019 Kunst op de Koffie, Arnhem

2018 Art on paper, Amsterdam

2017 Galerie Plan D, Düsseldorf (D)

2016 Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam

2015 PAK, Gistel (B)

2014 State Museum of the history of St. Petersburg (RF)

2013 Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka (HR)

2012 Museum Van Bommel Van Dam, Venlo

2011 Stedelijk Museum, Schiedam

2010 Art Amsterdam

2009 Prix de Rome, De Appel, Amsterdam

Public space based commissions

2022 Panorama Fibula, Loowaard, Duiven

2017 Getuigen, installatie, Fort Beneden-Lent, Nijmegen

2016 Lost and found, folly, Baron van Wassenaerpark, Ede

2015 Element of surprise, object, Tolkamer


2022 - present BA Art and Design in Education, ArtEZ, Arnhem

2016 - 2020 BA Fine Art, Utrecht University of the Arts, Utrecht

2010-heden Gastdocent en extern examinator op verschillende academies


2020 - 2021 AIR Stingerbol, Ede

2014 - 2020 AIR Geheime Bunker, Studio Omstand, Arnhem

2016 Metaphorically Speaking, Circa…Dit, Arnhem

2015 Bakens aan het Water, Provincie Gelderland

2013 + 2011 ArtEZ Finals BA Fine Art Arnhem

2010 -2011 Synchronic Spaces, Paraplufabriek (POST), Nijmegen

Heidi Linck is educated as a scientist and visual artist and has focused her practice on transforming sites and spaces into environments for wandering, exploring and (un-)learning. Her work has been shown in international exhibitions and purchased for public and private collections. In addition to her commissions for temporary projects, she has created some 'permanent' works in public spaces in the Netherlands. Heidi Linck is a lecturer at ArtEZ on the DBKV bachelor's program and occasionally works as a curator/advisor of art projects and artist-in-residencies.