Panorama Fibula


The community of Loo wished to build a watchtower which would refer to the history of the Roman castellum in the Loowaard. Traditionally, watchtowers that refer to the Romans are designed like Roman watchtowers. These watchtowers however were, in my opinion, architecturally not very interesting. This is why I chose to be inspired by an archaeological finding of a fibula: Roman jewelry. The fibula learned me that the Romans, in contrast to their watchtowers, were also able to create very delicate and refined design. As a response I transformed the tiny piece of jewelry into a place where people can walk in and observe the landscape.

Inside the watch tower there are six QR-codes leading to audio-stories which I collected by interviewing local children, farmers, workers, a scientist, an archaeologist and (other) inhabitants. The Roman history is combined with ecological, landscape, rural, industrial, medieval and contemporary narratives.


Panorama Fibula


Permanent sculptural watchtower in the Loowaard, Loo, Duiven, informed by a participative and education project with inhabitants.

5,85 x 5,85 x 4,30 m

Oakwood, Cortensteel and other materials

Commissioned by Gemeente Duiven.


Design: Atelier Heidi Linck

Technical drawings: Studio Denis Bacal

Engineering: Bremer Engineering

Realisation: Koos Schaart

With many thanks to: Moorlag BV, Dorpsraad Loo, children and teachers at Bernadetteschool, Wil Kuijpers, storytellers, Rijkswaterstaat.

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Paltz Biënnale, Soest